Boutique Agri-Business & Veterinary Consulting.
Quality, Purpose, Ease.
This is Our Expertise.
Scope, Identify, Implement, and Solve your needs.
Our team is based in Singapore, Australia and France, with wide networks and experiences that are applicable to individuals and businesses of all sizes.
Our Services
Herd Health, Biosecurity, Prevention, Contingency & Welfare Planning
Crisis Management
Production Benchmarking
Field Services
Business Planning, Strategy & Development
Sustainable Practices
Land Planning & Design
Scope & Development
Stakeholder Engagement
Industry Planning
Design, Development & Implementation of Training Programmes
Core Team
Dr Lynn Tan
BSc, BVMS, PGC (Avian Health), MBA
Founding Partner, Managing Director
Head - Veterinary Services, Agri-Business
Having spent almost 20 years working throughout the livestock value chain, and setting up Singapore’s first pet dispensary, Lynn possesses all-round experience, knowledge and expertise on all aspects of livestock agribusiness and the companion animal industry.
She has consulted for various terrestrial livestock companies throughout Asia and the United Kingdom in the areas of preventative husbandry, veterinary healthcare, business strategy and manpower training.
She is also a regular collaborator with the Singapore Food Agency and National Parks Board in evaluating farm land tenders, agricultural livestock and companion animal policies.
Dr Charmaine Chng
BVM, MSc (Vet Epi & Public Health), Charge d’Affaires, WOAH
Founding Partner, Senior Advisor
Head - International Trade, Policy
Dr Charmaine Chng is a veterinary professional with 10+ years of experience in animal health at the national and international level.
Her experience includes supporting countries through capacity building activities and strategic action plans for the control of transboundary animal diseases, as well as developing sanitary standards for the safe trade of animals and animal products at the global level. Her experience also includes the regulatory administration and management of animal health programmes for Singapore, inclusive of One Health, emergency animal diseases, veterinary policies and trade.